
see ExampleMetamathGrammar.html

EXAMPLE Metamath database (based on set.mm with minor changes)

Note the statement categories:
1) Declarations and Variable Hypotheses
2) Syntax Axioms
3) Logical Axioms and Definitions
4) Theorems and Logical Hypotheses

$( ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $)
$( Declarations for Constant and Variable Symbols in the Metamath database                 $)
     $c wff   $.             $( Constant, identifies type "wff"   -- well-formed formulas  $)
     $c set   $.
            $( Constant, identifies type "set"   -- mathematical sets     $)
     $c class $.             $( Constant, identifies type "class" -- mathematical classes  $)
     $c |-    $.             $( Constant, identifies type "|-" -- true/provable statements $)
     $c (     $.             $( Constant, used as punctuation, aka "left parentheses"      $)
     $c )     $.
             $( Constant, used as punctuation, aka "right parentheses"     $)   
     $c ->    $.
             $( Constant, used as logical operator, aka "not"              $)
     $c -.    $.             $( Constant, used as logical operator, aka "implies"          $)
     $C <->   $.             $( Constant, used as logical operator, aka "if and only if"   $)
     $v ph ps ch $.          $( Variables: phi, psi and chi                                $)
     $v x  y  z  $.          $( Variables: x, y, and z                                     $)
     $v A  B  C  $.          $( Variables: A, B, and C                                     $)

$( Variable Hypotheseses -- aka "Floating Hypotheses" -- assign a Type to a Variable       $)
wph  $f wff   ph  $.         $( Variable ph has Type wff                                   $)
wps  $f wff   ps  $.         $( Variable ps has Type wff                                   $)
wch  $f wff   ch  $.         $( Variable ch has Type wff                                   $)
vx   $f set   x   $.         $( Variable x has Type set                                    $)
vy   $f set   y   $.         $( Variable y has Type set                                    $)
vz   $f set   z   $.         $( Variable z has Type set                                    $)
cA   $f class A   $.         $( Variable A has Type class                                  $)
cB   $f class B   $.         $( Variable B has Type class                                  $)
cC   $f class C   $.         $( Variable C has Type class                                  $)

$( ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   SYNTAX AXIOMS: Expression Axioms, Named-Typed Constant Axioms,
                  Named Typed String Axioms, Type Conversion Axioms and
                  Nulls-Permitted Axioms
   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $)
$( Syntax Axioms                                                                           $)
wn   $a wff   -. ph $.              $( Expression Axiom "-. ph" has type wff               $)
wi   $a wff   ( ph -> ps ) $.       $( Expression Axiom "( ph -> ps )" has Type wff        $)
wb   $a wff   ( ph <-> ps ) $.
      $( Expression Axiom "( ph <-> ps )" has Type wff       $)
weq  $a wff   x = y $.              $( Expression Axiom "x = y" has Type wff               $)
wceq $a wff   A = B $.             
$( Expression Axiom "A = B" has Type wff               $)
csuc $a class suc class A $.
        $( Expression Axiom "suc class A" has Type class       $)
csup $a class sup ( A , B , C ) $. 
$( Expression Axiom "sup ( A , B , C )" has Type class $)

c0   $a class (/) $.                $( Named Typed Constant Axiom :
                                       Constant "(/)" has type Class;
                                       "(/)" stands for the Empty Set;
                                       label "c0" can be used in proofs                    $)
     $a class THIS HAS FOUR CONSTANTS $.
                                    $( Named Typed String Axiom :
                                       - Sequence of Constants "THIS HAS FOUR CONSTANTS"
                                         has type class;
                                       - Have never seen this used, but it is simply a
                                         Syntax Axiom with no Variables, like Named Typed
                                         Constant Axioms and Nulls Permitted Axioms.
cv   $a class x $.                  $( Type Conversion Axiom: every set is a class;
                                       Literally means "Every set, x, is a class";
                                       label "cv" can be used in proofs for Type Conversion $)
$( negative, no nulls for class! $) $( Nulls-Permitted Axiom: nulls permitted for Type class? $)

$( ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $)
$( Logical Axioms                                                                          $)
ax-1 $a |-  ( ph ->                       $( Logical Axiom, label = "ax-1", type = "|-"    $)
            ( ps -> ph ) ) $.            

ax-2 $a |-  ( ( ph -> ( ps -> ch ) ) ->  
$( Logical Axiom, label = "ax-2", type = "|-"    $)
            ( ( ph -> ps ) -> ( ph -> ch ) ) ) $.

ax-3 $a |-  ( ( -. ph -> -. ps ) ->      
$( Logical Axiom, label = "ax-3", type = "|-"    $)
                 ( ps ->    ph ) ) $.

${                                        $( Logical Axiom, label = "ax-mp", type = "|-"   $)
    min   $e |- ph $.
    maj   $e |- ( ph -> ps ) $.
    ax-mp $a |- ps $.

df-bi $a |- -. ( ( ( ph <-> ps )  ->      $( Definition, label = "df-bi", type = "|-"      $)
              -. ( ( ph -> ps )  -> -. ( ps -> ph ) ) )
            -. ( -. ( ( ph ->  ps ) -> -. ( ps -> ph ) ) ->
                      ( ph <-> ps ) ) ) $.

$( ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $)
$( Theorems                                                                                   $)
    a1i.1 $e |- ph $.                     $( Logical hypothesis, label = "a1i.1, type = "|-"  $)
    a1i   $p |- ( ps -> ph ) $=         
  $( Theorem (aka Provable Assertion)
                                             label = "a1i", Type = "|-"                       $)

      wph wps wph wi a1i.1 wph wps ax-1 ax-mp $.   $( Proof in Reverse Polish Notation format $)