Finalize Release ToDo's ======================= Future ToDo's ============= - "!step::ref" form: Unify with some previous steps and with the assertion ref. This should search among previous steps for matching hypotheses, and if they are not found it should generate them. In any case the '!' should go away after unification. - "!step:hyp:" form: It should try to find unifications using all of the mentioned steps and possibly others (so if too many steps are suggested it will not unify even if some subset of the given steps do). !step:: should therefore unify against any combination of previous steps. Similarly to the previous, if the hyps are given in a certain order, it should try to. - "!step:hyp:ref" form: If there are the correct number of hyps given to ref, then it should act just like step:hyp:ref, but if there are too few hyps it should act more like case "!step::ref", where the extra hyps are searched from the list of previous steps. - "step:?:" form: Mario has been trying to change the default usage for incomplete steps from "step:?:" to "step::" or "!step::" (depending on the DeriveAutocomplete RunParm), but there are still some things that need to be hashed out. Mario thinks "!step:?,hyp:" should search for refs with at least two hyps, forcing the second hyp to be the named one, unless there are no matches, in which case it should revert to trying any combination (but it should still not match any hyp with one or no hyps). - Step selector behavior fix: The step selector search was originally designed so that clicking on a step with zero incomplete hyps gives the list only of steps that match exactly the given hyps, while if any incomplete hyps are given it gives a list of all unifying refs that use the given hyps and possibly others. This means that clicking on the now-default incomplete step "!step::" gives (usually) nothing, whereas clicking on "step:?:" gives all possible unifying refs. To fix this, Mario plans to eliminate the no-incomplete-hyp behavior and just always give a list of unifying assertions that use all those in the list and possibly others. SInce they are ordered by number of hyps used, those that don't use any extra hyps will always appear at the top anyway. - Error notification behavior change: Mario thinks the best behavior would be to have all steps that have no ref and are reachable from the QED step to give error I-PA-0403, since it is these steps that prevent the theorem from being proven. User often accrues steps that go nowhere because he decided to take a different route or anything similar, and having these steps draw his attention is a distraction. - Remove step duplicates: Alexey proposes to made some hot key to remove step duplicates. Mario thinks it might even be reasonable to do this automatically on every unify, although that's probably aggressive enough to be a RunParm disabled by default. - Investigate the possibility to generate completed theorems: If it is omitted, so it should be implemented. - Add the configuration of the search order in auto steps: Now implemented the search only from top to bottom. Mario proposes to search in increasing order of hypotheses. - Use existing old mmp proof with updated new theorem: Automatic generation of the hyp & qed formulas, which are currently fatal errors if they are typed incorrectly, which is annoying if you want to change the theorem statement in the database, especially since mmj2 already knows what is supposed to be there, and just errors if you didn't type what it expects, as if it was a password or something. Mario made a change to at least tell the user the correct formulation in the error message, so you can copy that in, but really it should just go ahead and change the step formula to match its expectation (even if there is already a formula there). - Versioning the mmp files: Backward syntax compatibility is a very important thing but sometimes should be violated in order to change some strange behavior. Alexey thinks, it will be better to include in the mmp header the mmj2 syntax version. So every new mmj2 version could translate any old mmp files to the new syntax. That would fix the detection problem as well, since the version difference would trigger a migration script. Mario proposes to replace "" with "" in the header; this version number is a simple integer that is independent of mmj2 versions and is incremented whenever there is a backwards-incompatible spec change. - Hypotheses syntax refactoring: Alexey doesn't like the fact that d1:: should be referenced as d1, but H1:: should be referenced as 1. It is uncommon practice in the computer languages to use Latin letters as word prefixes. It will be better to change it as early as possible. Mario has a new suggestion for the hypothesis step syntax: $e step::thm.1 This would be more in keeping with our practice of using $character as keywords, and would also match the metamath keyword. The two colons is simply because Mario thinks using one would make the spec harder to understand, if step:hyp:ref had too many exceptions, and people are already used to it. - The find and replace: The simplest implementation to begin with is a simple find and replace that applies only to formulas, and has built in word boundary tokens in the regex so that replacing "s" with "t" only replaces instances of the variable s and doesn't make "seq" -> "teq". The input would just be two space-separated token strings like a fragment of a formula, and it would replace that token string in all formulas or in the formulas of the selected lines, hopefully also ignoring the extra white space provided by the formatter TMFF. For example, you could replace "x , y" -> "z , w" in (the short example version): |- A = { < x , y > | < x , y > = < y , x >} - Add "no dj restriction" statement We propose to add some kind of $n x ph $ (or any other letter). That you could use to force mmj2 to *not* generate $d x ph under any circumstances, and treat an attempt to do so as a hard error. The whole point of "soft errors" and calling them that is because from metamath's perspective, they are indeed errors, but from the user's perspective, they are just annotations that can be generated as necessary. This reflects a view on the part of the logician that variables are distinct until mentioned otherwise, not vice-versa, which is metamath's approach. The $n/$s approach is our "until mentioned otherwise", while $d's are really for output only, and are not input during a proof. Task List for Release on 1-Nov-2011 =================================== Release-specific todo's ======================= x Run existing regression tests and release final test version x double-check whether all RunParmsComplete.txt parms omitted in RunParms.txt have their defaults set in the mmj2 code x Add regression tests for GMFF x Add regression tests for Paths Enhancement x Add regression tests for cursor positioning fix x change program comments to Nov-1 release date instead of Oct-15 x Re-Run existing regression tests and compare to 'q' test version. (compare 't' version to 'q') x Convert existing regression tests to use the Paths Enhancement (call it the 'u' version) x rerun all regression tests and compare u version to t version. x modify C:\mmj2\test\windows\RunUT8.bat after src code moved from test to c:\mmj2\src to point to c:\mmj2\classes instead of test environment. x if time permits, add chapter on TheoremLoader to PATutorial. and other additions (see C:\AsteveL3\mmj2\Release20111101\NormSuggestions.txt) - warn norm to update ==> is now XXXX BYTES. NOT 1.1MB x write mmj2\QuickStart.html x put QuickStart link to README.html right at the top. x retest the new Mac .command files - consider running batch tests on Mac - add tests with different GMFF models Standard todo's =============== x update help screen as needed x Update, GENERAL_HELP_FRAME_TITLE, and HELP_ABOUT_TEXT_1 with current date/time and release information. x Copy over C:\mmj2\data\result\RegressionTestResultsYYYYMMDDx.txt to C:\mmj2\doc\RegressionTestResults.txt x update CHGLOG.TXT for release x verify CHGLOG.TXT against dev src file dt/timestamps. x verify change log entry in each changed module. x FileCompare new/old src modules: x copy over new/changed modules from test environment to mmj2 directory x copy over any new documentation from wherever to mmj2 directory x Update the following for new mmj packages: x compile\windows\CompMMJ.bat x doc\windows\DocPackages.txt x compile\windows\EraseMMJObjCode.bat x compile\windows\mkjarargs.txt x recompile mmj2 directory source code (run mmj2\compile\windows\CompMMJ.bat) x create javadoc and update program doc until no more errors exist (run mmj2\doc\windows\BuildDoc.bat) x recompile mmj2 directory source code (run mmj2\compile\windows\CompMMJ.bat) x Update, GENERAL_HELP_FRAME_TITLE, and HELP_ABOUT_TEXT_1 with current date/time and release information and recompile. x recompile mmj2 directory source code (run mmj2\compile\windows\CompMMJ.bat) x update PA tutorial as needed x Run c:\mmj2\test\windows\BatchMMJ2Sample001.bat with the latest and new software to see if the RunParm default sizes for SymTbl and StmtTbl need to be increased. x update RunParm files for ProofAsst for any new runparms: x mmj2\mmj2jar\RunParms.txt x mmj2\mmj2jar\RunParmsComplete.txt x mmj2\mmj2jar\RunParmsPATutorial.txt x mmj2\mmj2jar\RunParmsQL.txt x mmj2\mmj2jar\AnnotatedRunParms.txt x update INSTALL.html x update QuickStart.html x update README.html x update mmj2.html x update mmj2\doc\MMJ2DirectoryStructure.txt if necessary - update Proof Assistant reference pages as needed - review other existing documentation to see whether it should be updated or removed. x run unit/volume tests using C:\mmj2\data\mm\ compare to previous results (from prior software version.) x rerun unit/volume tests if bugs fixed just to be safe. x download Metamath, unzip, copy to c:\metamath\symbols then run c:\mmj2\mmj2jar\ in order to: x copy symbols\*.gif to gmff\html x copy symbols\langle.gif and rangle\gif to gmff\althtml - download latest and re-run tests using both old and new software. x Update c:\mmj2\doc\FinalizeReleaseTodos.txt with current project todo's, as needed. x backup c:\mmj2 to c:\mmj2BKP and external media. - clean out mmj2 for zipping x erase javadoc generated files, run: - C:\mmj2\doc\windows\EraseMMJJavaDoc.bat x erase class (object) code modules, run: - C:\mmj2\compile\windows\EraseMMJObjCode.bat x delete c:\mmj2\data\result\*.* except for RegressionTestResults.txt (but put back after zipping, for future use). x delete C:\mmj2\mmj2jar\mmj2R20060401b.jar -> etc. (but put back after zipping, for future use). - zip c:\mmj2 - create MD5 checksum files for c:\mmj2 by running c:\md5.bat - put back c:\mmj2\data\result\*.* from c:\mmj2BKP - put back C:\mmj2\mmj2jar\mmj2R20060401b.jar etc. from c:\mmj2BKP - logon and rename old mmj2 - upload new, mmj2.md5 - download new mmj2 and compare checksum to upload checksum - send any emails, and post announcement at P.M. for FOM. - store dated L3 copy of & mmj2.md5 for "Tell Me Three Times" backup (at least 3 copies, using 3 different types of hardware). ===================================== DEFERRED ITEMS =====================================