DOCUMENTATION/HOW-TO FOR GMFF \models FILES =========================================== Below are the "html fragment" files used by Model A for exporting proofs to the \html directory. The same file names exist in the \models\althtml directory but the contents of the files are slightly different. mmj2jar\GMFF\models\html\AM-file0.txt mmj2jar\GMFF\models\html\AM-file2.txt mmj2jar\GMFF\models\html\AO-comment0.txt mmj2jar\GMFF\models\html\AO-comment1X.txt mmj2jar\GMFF\models\html\AO-comment2.txt mmj2jar\GMFF\models\html\AO-header0.txt mmj2jar\GMFF\models\html\AO-header1X.txt mmj2jar\GMFF\models\html\AO-header2.txt mmj2jar\GMFF\models\html\AO-header3X.txt mmj2jar\GMFF\models\html\AO-header4.txt mmj2jar\GMFF\models\html\AO-header5X.txt mmj2jar\GMFF\models\html\AO-header6.txt mmj2jar\GMFF\models\html\AO-header7.txt mmj2jar\GMFF\models\html\AM-step0.txt mmj2jar\GMFF\models\html\AM-step1X.txt mmj2jar\GMFF\models\html\AM-step2.txt mmj2jar\GMFF\models\html\AM-step3X.txt mmj2jar\GMFF\models\html\AM-step2.txt mmj2jar\GMFF\models\html\AO-distinctvar0.txt mmj2jar\GMFF\models\html\AO-distinctvar1X.txt mmj2jar\GMFF\models\html\AO-distinctvar2.txt mmj2jar\GMFF\models\html\AO-distinctvar3X.txt mmj2jar\GMFF\models\html\AO-distinctvar4.txt mmj2jar\GMFF\models\html\AO-genproof0.txt mmj2jar\GMFF\models\html\AO-genproof1X.txt mmj2jar\GMFF\models\html\AO-genproof2.txt mmj2jar\GMFF\models\html\AO-footer0.txt NAMING CONVENTIONS/USAGE ======================== 1. The first character of each file name identifies the GMFF export Model Id (e.g. "A" stands for Model A.) _ A different model, similar to the Metamath Proof Explorer, which has extensive hyperlinks and cross- references might be called "Model B" -- but Model B has not been programmed and this discussion is hypothetical... 2. The second character of the model file name is eithe "M" -- Mandatory -- or "O" -- optional. The GMFF code knows the names of the files it needs to export a proof in Model A format. _ If a Mandatory model file is missing (not found in the \models\html\ directory, the GMFF code will produce an error message and abandon export of the proof. _ If an Optional model file is missing then the corresponding section of the Proof Worksheet will not be output to the export file. For example, if file AO-comment0.txt is not found then no mmj2 Proof Worksheet Comment statements will be exported in the Model A \html directory export. 3, The third character of the model file name is "-", which provides readability. 4. The 4th thru nth characters of the model file name are in lower case -- again, for readability -- and identify the mmj2 Proof Worksheet statement type (e.g. "header") or the html file itself (e.g. "file"). 5. At the end of the model file name is a number (e.g. 0, 1, 2, etc.), followed in some cases by an "X". _ The digit signifies the physical sequence of the model file within the export data for the statement type. For example, the mmj2 Proof Worksheet Header statement requires 8 model files, number 0, 1, 2 ... 7. _ The letter "X", if present, signifies that this model file is a place-holder for text or symbols from the Proof Worksheet. For example, the GMFF code substitutes "syl" for the contents of the AO- header1X.txt file when exporting theorem syl. _ Note: the program knows in advance which files are place-holders. Simply adding an "X" to a file name will not change that! The "X" is for readability and comprehensibility to users/programmers. _ In order to accomodate certain variations in export types, if the "X" file contains nothing -- it is an empty file -- then the GMFF code substitutes nothing into the output export stream. An example of this might be, say, in a Latex export file, if a hyperlink capability is not available, then the second "X" file for the Header would be (manually) updated to be an empty file so that the program would know not to output a hyperlinked "syl" into the export data. (I don't know when/if this feature will be needed but it is being coded in case it is needed later in hopes of having to modify mmj2 again.) _ All substituted text, except for the typesetting definitions (which are already in html/latex "code") must be "escaped". The "escape" process converts particular characters into acceptable alternatives for the output language. _ For example a "<" (less than) character must be escaped when using html format to the string "<". _ By design, output space characters will be escaped to " ". This is not a requirement of html but rather a way to maintain formatting of the exported Proof Worksheet. NOTES ABOUT THE MODEL A FILES ============================= 1. Everything except for math symbols is monospaced (similar to mmj2 Proof Assistant default). - NOTE: the html typesetting definitions include an "alt=" paramter. For example: |- If your browser support this feature, if the .gif file is not found then the "alt" specification is displayed. That means that the Metamath token for the symbol is displayed instead of the .gif. The Model A files specify that that token is displayed using the browser's default font. _ No error message is output by mmj2 for a missing .gif file. - If the input Metamath file does not contain a typsetting definition for a particular symbol then the GMFF code outputs the Metamath token characters plus one space character (in case there are two consecutive not founds.) These characters are displayed using the browser's default font. _ mmj2 does output an error message for a missing $t typesetting definition for a symbol. _ Thus, missing .gif and $t definitions will be displayed identically except for an extra space following a not found symbol with a missing $t definition. _ To correct the problem of a missing .gif, the user will likely need to download Norm's "" file and copy it into the mmj2\GMFF\html\ directory. (Or manually copy in the missing .gif.) Then press Ctrl-1 again, no need to restart mmj2. _ To correct the problem of a missing $t definition for a symbol, the input Metamath .mm file will need updating (unless mmj2's new GMFF enhancement has a bug :-) After updating the .mm file, it will be necessary to restart mmj2 (sorry...) 2. Step files (same files in the althtml version directories): mmj2jar\GMFF\models\html\AM-step0.txt mmj2jar\GMFF\models\html\AM-step1X.txt mmj2jar\GMFF\models\html\AM-step2.txt mmj2jar\GMFF\models\html\AM-step3X.txt mmj2jar\GMFF\models\html\AM-step4.txt _ These are used for Hypothesis and Derivation steps (including the 'qed' step.) The html structure is the same for hypotheses as it is for derivation steps. - The step files represent a single line on the screen. If a proof step requires multiple lines then the step files are repeated. The structure of the output is the same whether the line is the first line of a proof step or the second. _ The GMFF code *knows* not to export single space (blank) characters between formula symbols on a line. The typeset formulas do not require blanks between the typeset symbols, either the .gif or the Unicode symbols. _ In the case where more than one space occurs between symbols on a single line of a formula the GMFF code will output 1 fewer " " characters than the number of consecutive space characters. (Accomplished via the character escaping process.) _ To put it in programming terms, a whitespace token occuring between math tokens on a single line will be converted to a string of spaces shorter than the whitespace token by 1 and then the string of spaces will be escaped. 3. Distinct Variable ("distinctvar" --same files in the althtml version directories): mmj2jar\GMFF\models\html\AO-distinctvar0.txt mmj2jar\GMFF\models\html\AO-distinctvar1X.txt mmj2jar\GMFF\models\html\AO-distinctvar2.txt mmj2jar\GMFF\models\html\AO-distinctvar3X.txt mmj2jar\GMFF\models\html\AO-distinctvar4.txt _ Have the same html structure as for Step statements. The reason they are given separate model files is so that the user can choose to not include them in the export output. These are all "Optional" model files and thus can be excised from the export output simply by deleting the corresponding model files from the models\ directory. 4 Generated Proof ("genproof" --same files in the althtml version directories): mmj2jar\GMFF\models\html\AO-genproof0.txt mmj2jar\GMFF\models\html\AO-genproof1X.txt mmj2jar\GMFF\models\html\AO-genproof2.txt _ Have the same html structure as for Comments statements. The reason they are given separate model files is so that the user can choose to not include them in the export output. These are all "Optional" model files and thus can be excised from the export output simply by deleting the corresponding model files from the models\ directory. 5. Header and Footer Statements: mmj2jar\GMFF\models\html\AO-header0.txt mmj2jar\GMFF\models\html\AO-header1X.txt mmj2jar\GMFF\models\html\AO-header2.txt mmj2jar\GMFF\models\html\AO-header3X.txt mmj2jar\GMFF\models\html\AO-header4.txt mmj2jar\GMFF\models\html\AO-header5X.txt mmj2jar\GMFF\models\html\AO-header6.txt mmj2jar\GMFF\models\html\AO-header7.txt mmj2jar\GMFF\models\html\AO-footer0.txt - Header and Footer model files are designated as Optional. There is no absolute need for either since the file name will contain the theorem label and if you simply want to see typeset formulas then you can dispense with all of the Optional parts of the Proof Worksheet html export!