New commands for GMFF in RunParms.txt commands (defaults shown): ================================================================== _ GMFFExportParms,althtml,ON,althtmldef,GMFF\althtml,.html,GMFF\models\althtml,A,ISO-8859-1,general GMFFExportParms,html,ON,htmldef,GMFF\html,.html,GMFF\models\html,A,ISO-8859-1,general _ Optional. Default values are shown above. Modifications to the defaults as well as additional settings for new export types are made with this RunParm. Validation is deferred until GMFF Initialization except for the number of RunParm parameters -- i.e. use of this RunParm does not trigger GMFF Initialization. _ althtml or html = Export Type (Unicode or .gif) _ Export Type must be unique. It is the key in the export parms (and text escapes) lists built using default settings merged with the input RunParms GMFFExportParms entries. _ A second GMFFExportParms RunParm with the same Export Type updates the first. _ ON = ON or OFF to enable/disable this export type. - Note that by default, both html and althtml are ON. _ Setting all export types OFF disables GMFF exports. _ If OFF the rest of the input parameters are not validated or stored. _ althtmldef or htmldef = Typesetting Definition Keyword in .mm file (in the $t typesetting comment) for this export. _ GMFF\althtml or GMFF\html = Directory where exports are written. Also, GMFF\html contains .gif files for symbols. _ .html = export file type (.html or .htm might be good choices :-) _ GMFF\models\althtml or GMFF\models\html = Directory containing html fragment files serving as models for exports. _ A = Model Id. Only "A" is valid now. _ ISO-8859-1 = Charset encoding. _ Must match the html fragment for the specified Model Id which contains the html keyword...but the program does not validate this! Model A specifies ISO-8859-1 (same as Metamath Proof Explorer). _ Valid charset encodings on all Java platforms are: _ US-ASCII _ ISO-8859-1 _ UTF-8 _ UTF-16BE _ UTF-16LE _ UTF-16 - general = OutputFileName = Name of output file minus the file type. Optional. _ If not specified the output file name is constructed from the proof theorem's label + the Export File Type. _ Note! The OutputFileName applies to all exports, including those via the GMFFExportTheorem and GMFFExportFromFolder RunParms in addition to ProofAsstGUI export requests. To export to individual theorem-named files you must input a new GMFEExportTheorems RunParm!!! _ If specified must not contain any whitespace characters, or '/' or '\' or ':' characters (for safety.) _ All/any exported Proof Worksheets will be output to the named file suffixed with the GMFFExportParms file type -- except that the GMFFExportTheorem and GMFFExportFromFolder AppendFileName parameter overrides the OutputFileName parameter on the GMFFExportParms RunParm! _ NOTE: There is nothing in the GMFF program code specific to html. All html-specific information is external to the code, and is specified via the GMFF RunParms, the GMFF \models directory files, and the Metamath $t typesetting definitions. _ Since mmj2 allows you to input more than one LoadFile RunParm, you could create an extra $t comment in a second input .mm file and output export data in whatever format you desire... the only proviso being that the GMFF code knows the names of the \models files for Model A. So either your extra export type must match the pattern of \models files (with regards to the parts which are filled in by the code vs. what is in the fragments), or another model would need to be added to the GMFF code. _ Model A is a "minimalist" version of a webpage which typesets only proof step formulas plus the theorem label, which is output as text but is treated as a variable in the model.) _ The one thing you cannot do with this design is export to a language which is based on the formula parse trees, for example MathML. Exporting and typesetting based on parse trees -- as opposed to formulas comprised of sequences of symbols -- would require extra code in GMFF. _ GMFFUserTextEscapes,html,32," ",34,""",38,"&",60,"<",62,">" GMFFUserTextEscapes,althtml,32," ",34,""",38,"&",60,"<",62,">" _ These "escapes" convert certain output text characters to an alternative character sequence that represents the escaped text characters in the output language (e.g. html). _ Escapes are necessary because certain text characters which may be used in a Proof Worksheet have special, non-text significance in html. Characters such as '&', '>', '<', etc. are used in the html language. _ The space character is escaped into " " so that Proof Worksheet text spacing is maintained (otherwise browsers would collapse or ignore output spaces in certain situations.) _ althtml or html = Export Type (Unicode or .gif). _ Must match the Export Type on one of the GMFFExportParms RunParms or the default GMFFExportParms _ 99 = Decimal number of Metamath ASCII character to be "escaped" in the output html file. _ Must be integer between 0 and 255 (inclusive). _ "xxxx" = Character string to replace escaped character. _ NOTE: User Text to be "escaped" is whatever text in the Proof Worksheet is not "typeset" using the Metamath $t typesetting definitions -- and any mmj2 Proof Worksheet text stored in a \models directory (e.g. Proof Worksheet Header text contains both "<" and ">", which are stored in the \models directory in escaped format (so it does not need to be escaped again.) _ GMFFUserExportChoice,ALL _ Choices are "html", "althtml" or "ALL" (Export Type or "ALL") _ Must match one of the defaults or one of the export types on an (already) input GMFFExportParms RunParm. _ GMFFInitialize,PrintTypesettingDefinitions _ Optional. Forces initialization or re-initialization using whatever GMFF RunParm options, default settings and Metamath $t typesetting definitions have been input. _ Also: prints an audit report (message) showing the final set of parms in effect: selected Exporters' ExportParms, UserTextEscapes and UserExportChoice ... plus typeset definition symbol counts by def keyword. _ NOTE: The audit report is printed only if GMFF Initialization is successful. _ "PrintTypesettingDefinitions" is an optional parameter which produces a listing of the parsed typesetting definitions after the audit report -- assuming GMFF initialization was successful. _ Provided for testing and audit purposes. Perhaps useful to users :-) _ If GMFFInitialize is not used then initialization takes place only if/when the first GMFF export is attempted. Reinitialization can occur if one or more additional LoadFile commands have executed since initialization and new Metamath $t typsetting definitions have been input. (And of course, the "Clear" RunParms resets all state variables, which would force reinitialization if additional LoadFile commands and GMFF export processing were to occur.) _ Initialization may result in error messages about the contents of the input .mm Metamath file's $t typesetting commands, as well as any other start-up errors from GMFF.) _ GMFFExportFromFolder,myproofs,syl,.mmp,999999,AppendFileName _ myproofs = directory containing Proof Worksheet files _ syl = theorem label or "*" (all). If theorem label input then it is the starting point of the export process, which will export the Max Number of files beginning at that label. If "*" input then the export begins at the first label. Either way, files are exported in lexicographic order -- i.e. alphabetically. _ .mmp = file type of input Proof Worksheet files (normally either .mmp or .mmt) _ 999999 = Max Number of files to export. Required. - AppendFileName = Name of output (append) file minus the file type. Optional. If specified must not contain any whitespace characters, or '/' or '\' or ':' characters (for safety.) All exported Proof Worksheets will be appended to the named file (written at the end instead of the beginning) suffixed with the GMFFExportParms file type. Used for regression testing. _ GMFFExportTheorem,syl,999999,AppendFileName _ syl = theorem label or "*" (all). If theorem label input then it is the starting point of the export process, which will export the Max Number of files beginning at that label. If "*" input then the export begins at the first label. Either way, files are exported in MObj.seq number order -- i.e. order of appearance in the currently loaded Metamath database (including multiple LoadFile commands plus any TheoremLoader theorems.) _ 999999 = Max Number of files to export. Required. - AppendFileName = Name of output (append) file minus the file type. Optional. If specified must not contain any whitespace characters, or '/' or '\' or ':' characters (for safety.) All exported Proof Worksheets will be appended to the named file (written at the end instead of the beginning) suffixed with the GMFFExportParms file type. Used for regression testing. _ GMFFParseMetamathTypesetComment,althtmldef,mydirectory,,PRINT _ althtmldef or htmldef = Typesetting Definition Keyword in .mm file (in the $t typesetting comment) to be selected for parsing. _ mydirectory = directory containing MM file _ = .mm file containing just a Metamath $t comment. _ PRINT = literal "PRINT" or spaces. "PRINT" signifies that the input $t typesetting comment should be printed plus the parsed symbols and their replacement text. _ NOTE: This command executes a standalone test of src\mmj\gmff\ _ Its primary purpose is to facilitate testing. _ A dump of the parse results is generated along with statistics. The dump is in the form of a very long "info" message. _ mmj2 does allow a second LoadFile to be executed immediately after the initial LoadFile. This means that you can separate your typesetting definitions from your regular .mm file contents.