======================== mmj2 Directory Structure ======================== The following directories are empty when mmj2.zip is loaded, and are later created by running javac (compiler) and javadoc (creates html documentation): c:\mmj2\classes c:\mmj2\doc\mmj c:\mmj2\doc\resources c:\mmj2\doc\src-html ============================================================= Directories: (if dest, "c:\mmj2" is changed then \windows and \runparm \mmj2jar files will/may need to be updated.) ============================================================= c:\mmj2 \classes (output of compilation) \mmj \gmff (package mmj.gmff) \lang (package mmj.lang) \mmio (package mmj.mmio) \pa (package mmj.pa) \svc (package mmj.svc) \tl (package mmj.tl) \tmff (package mmj.tmff) \util (package mmj.util) \verify (package mmj.verify) \compile (compile procs -- .bat's etc.) \linux (contains contributed script) \mmj \gmff (hand coded class list file) \lang (hand coded class list file) \mmio (hand coded class list file) \pa (hand coded class list file) \svc (hand coded class list file) \tl (hand coded class list file) \tmff (hand coded class list file) \util (hand coded class list file) \verify (hand coded class list file) \windows (.bat + javac options) \data \gmfftest (TEST I/O data suite for GMFF batch tests) \althtml (TEST exported Unicode html + 2 .gif files) \html (TEST exported .gif html + .gif files) \models (TEST model files for GMFF) \althtml (TEST model files for althtml exports) \html (TEST model files for html exports) \myproofs (TEST suggested dir for user proof files) \mm (.mm files) \mmp (Proof Assistant .mmp files) \proofs (ProofAsstGUI .mmp files) \tests (Unit/Volume Test .mmp files) \mmt (MMT Folder files) \testin (input MMT Folder files) \T101 (unit test 10.1 .mmt files) \T102 (unit test 10.2 .mmt files) \T103 (unit test 10.3 .mmt files) \T191 (unit test 10.9 .mmt files) \testout (output MMT Folder files) \T191 (unit test 10.9 .mmt files) \T192 (unit test 10.9 .mmt files) \temp (temp/work MMT Folder files) \result (BatchMMJ2 output) \runparm \windows (BatchMMJ2 runparm files) \doc (hand-written + javadoc output) \GMFFDoc (doc for GMFF feature) \mmj (only output of javadoc goes here) \gmff (only output of javadoc goes here) \lang (only output of javadoc goes here) \mmio (only output of javadoc goes here) \pa (only output of javadoc goes here) \svc (only output of javadoc goes here) \tl (only output of javadoc goes here) \tmff (only output of javadoc goes here) \util (only output of javadoc goes here) \verify (only output of javadoc goes here) \mmj2Service (mmj2 Service feature sample code) \myproofs (sample mmj2 Service Proof Assistant Folder) \PAUserGuide (html doc for Proof Assistant) \resources (created by javadoc) \src-html (created by javadoc) \mmj (created by javadoc) \gmff (created by javadoc) \lang (created by javadoc) \mmio (created by javadoc) \pa (created by javadoc) \svc (created by javadoc) \tl (created by javadoc) \tmff (created by javadoc) \util (created by javadoc) \verify (created by javadoc) \windows (.bat and mmj2 data etc. to run javadoc) \junit (junit test code stuff) \mmj2jar (mmj2jar.jar + .bat & RunParm files) \gmff (gmff data files) \althtml (exported Unicode html + 2 .gif files) \html (exported .gif html + .gif files) \models (model files for GMFF) \althtml (model files for althtml exports) \html (model files for html exports) \myproofs (suggested dir for user proof files) \patutorial (Proof Asst Tutorial .mmp files) \src (java source code) \mmj \gmff (package mmj.gmff) \lang (package mmj.lang) \mmio (package mmj.mmio) \pa (package mmj.pa) \svc (package mmj.svc) \tl (package mmj.tl) \tmff (package mmj.tmff) \util (package mmj.util) \verify (package mmj.verify) \test (test procs -- .bat's etc.) \windows (BatchMMJ2 test procs -- .bat's etc.)