Here is how should be patched. I tried it and it worked. Now the only problem is commenting it so it's not totally confusing to someone trying to learn logic independent of set theory... Norm ------------------------------------------------------ Step 1: Delete "$c class $." Steps 2a through 2d: Delete statements cv, wceq, wcel, and wsbc. Going back to top of file, continue down: Step 3: Replace "weq $a wff x = y $." with this: $c class $. ${ $v A $. $v B $. wceq.cA $f class A $. wceq.cB $f class B $. cv $a class x $. wceq $a wff A = B $. $} weq $p wff x = y $= vx cv vy cv wceq $. Step 4: Replace "wel $a wff x e. y $." with this: ${ $v A $. $v B $. wcel.cA $f class A $. wcel.cB $f class B $. wcel $a wff A e. B $. $} wel $p wff x e. y $= vx cv vy cv wcel $. Step 5: Replace "wsb $a wff [ y / x ] ph $." with this: ${ $v A $. wsbc.cA $f class A $. wsbc $a wff [ A / x ] ph $. $} wsb $p wff [ y / x ] ph $= wph vx vy cv wsbc $.