Hi! Welcome. This is the 20111001 mmj2 release "beta" test version -- all regression tests have been run and testing is officially "complete" (though it is a violation of Murphy's Law to even say that...)

Feedback comments to Mel L. O'Cat (my nom d'plume) at X178G243 @ YAHOO.COM

Added/Changed Since the previous test version:

1. The Command Line Argument Option report is enabled by default. Turn it off by setting the last command line argument to "N". The report was enhanced in several ways to assist in testing and to aid new users. In particular, the report now shows example file paths which would result from using the path arguments. Also, the mmj2 version and contact information are shown.

2. Various small tweaks resulting from batch regression testing.

Added/Changed Since the previous "pre-beta" test version:

1. The GMFFManager was not loading the mmj2 Path parameter -- a fact brought to light during conversion of the mmj2 batch regression tests to use the new mmj2 Paths Enhancement.

2. Several hardcoded mmj2 default parameter settings were changed to match the RunParms in RunParmsComplete.txt which are now omitted in the new (concise) version of RunParms.txt:
Added/Changed Since the previous "pre-beta" test version:

1. Hardcode default TMFF Current Format Number set to 13 instead of 0. This is necessary because the RunParms.txt file now uses the minimal set of RunParms and the previous version, now RunParmsComplete.txt contained "TMFFUseFormat,13".

2. rangle.gif and langle.gif were copied to gmff\althtml, which is used for the Unicode version of html pages. This is necessary because the $t definitions in set.mm use these gif image files instead of Unicode due to browser incompatibilities.

Added/Changed Since the previous "pre-beta" test version:

1. New Proof Assistant GUI File Menu Item Ctrl Keys:
2. Processing of ProofAsstIncompleteStepCursor settings First and Last:

Explicit scrolling of the Proof Assistant GUI viewport disabled -- we will rely on the Java environment will scroll the viewport if necessary to keep the cursor visible. However, note that if Ctrl-U -- Unify -- produces error messages, and then you scroll using just the mouse scroll wheel or via the viewport scroll bars and do not touch the keyboard or mouse click on the text area, and then you press Ctrl-U again, the Java environment will not scroll the viewport to make the cursor visible. This is not likely to cause confusion because the error message(s) will remain, and the step number is contained in error messages.

Added/Changed Since the previous "pre-beta" test version:

"Bug Fix: Incomplete Step Curror Positioning, AsIs Mode: IncompleteStepCursorPositioning.html

PreviouslyAdded/Changed to the Prior "pre-beta" test version:

This release also adds html pages using the new "GMFF" feature.

Obviously, you have already unzipped the test release zip file (mmj2jarT20110913.zip).

So...now copy the mmj2jar directory to a certain location such as "C:" so that you now have directory, C:\mmj2jar. (You might want to rename the old C:\mmj2jar first in case you want to revert to the "production" version).

Next, using a text editor, edit:

Then... in Windows Accessories "Command Prompt", Change Directory to point to c:\mmj2jar:

    cd c:\mmj2jar

And run mmj2 as follows:


In Mac OS-X run Applications/Utilities/Terminal and change directory to your mmj2jar installation:

   cd /Users/userone/mmj2jar

Then run mmj2 as follows:

  source MacRunMMJ2.txt


Best wishes,
Mel (x178g243 at yahoo)

P.S. Feel free to report any bugs and to make suggestions...feedback.... The proposed release date is November 01, 2011 so there ought to be time to make fixes and small enhancements!