Proof Assistant GUI: Cursor Handling


To position the Proof Assistant GUI input "caret" and set the window's vertical scroll position in the way that is most helpful for the user.

Background Items:

The mmj2 Proof Assistant must control both the GUI screen window caret and view settings:

Processing Rules:

  1. When initially displaying a Proof Worksheet file following a File/Open, File/Get Proof, File/Forward Get Proof or Backward Get Proof -- before any editing -- position the caret to line 1 in the first column of the "Theorem=" entry field,  and scroll the window to ensure that line 1, column 1 is visible.
  2. When initially displaying a new proof (File/New), position the caret to Ref sub-field of the 'qed' Derivation step, and scroll the window to ensure that column 1 of that line is guaranteed to be visible.
  3. In general -- if possible -- the caret should be positioned to the first character of the first field in error on the screen, and the corresponding error message should be the first message appearing in the Messages window. Scroll the window so that Column 1 of the line containing the error is guaranteed to be visible.
  4. After a Reformat operation, position the caret at the Ref field of the first line of the proof step statement at which the user had positioned the caret when invoking the operation; position to column 1 of proof statements not containing a Ref field (Header, Trailer, Comment, etc.). Scroll the window so that column 1 of the first line of the proof statement where the caret is positioned is guaranteed to be visible.
  5. After File/Save, File/Save As, Edit/Copy, Edit/Cut, Edit/Paste or Help, do not adjust the caret or scroll positions.
  6. After Unification, if there are no errors position the caret according to the "IncompleteStepCursor" Edit Menu option (set via the "ProofAsstIncompleteStepCursor" RunParm.) "AsIs" means put the output cursor on the proof step where the input cursor was located when unification was requested. "Last" and "First" mean position the cursor to the last, or first, respectively, incomplete proof step, if one exists; otherwise, set it to the 'qed' step. The "Ref" field is the standard location within a proof step. Scroll the window so that column 1 of the step containing the caret is guaranteed to be visible.