Chapter 1, Section 4 Pre-logic -- Last MObj Nbr = 0 Chapter 1, Section 8 Dummy link theorem for assisting proof development -- Last MObj Nbr = 3 Chapter 2, Section 12 Recursively define primitive wffs for propositional calculus -- Last MObj Nbr = 0 Chapter 2, Section 16 The axioms of propositional calculus -- Last MObj Nbr = 6 Chapter 2, Section 20 Logical implication -- Last MObj Nbr = 171 Chapter 2, Section 24 Logical negation -- Last MObj Nbr = 152 Chapter 2, Section 28 Logical equivalence -- Last MObj Nbr = 165 Chapter 2, Section 32 Logical disjunction and conjunction -- Last MObj Nbr = 815 Chapter 2, Section 36 Miscellaneous theorems of propositional calculus -- Last MObj Nbr = 243 Chapter 2, Section 40 Abbreviated conjunction and disjunction of three wff's -- Last MObj Nbr = 360 Chapter 3, Section 44 Derive the Lukasiewicz axioms from Meredith's sole axiom -- Last MObj Nbr = 18 Chapter 3, Section 48 Derive the standard axioms from the Lukasiewicz axioms -- Last MObj Nbr = 13 Chapter 3, Section 52 Logical 'nand' (Sheffer stroke) -- Last MObj Nbr = 1 Chapter 3, Section 56 Derive Nicod's axiom from the standard axioms -- Last MObj Nbr = 12 Chapter 3, Section 60 Derive the Lukasiewicz axioms from Nicod's axiom -- Last MObj Nbr = 35 Chapter 3, Section 64 True and false constants -- Last MObj Nbr = 5 Chapter 3, Section 68 Auxiliary theorems for Alan Sare's virtual deduction -- Last MObj Nbr = 54 Chapter 4, Section 72 The axioms of predicate calculus -- Last MObj Nbr = 14 Chapter 4, Section 76 Some theorems that use neither ax-17 nor ax-4 -- Last MObj Nbr = 4 Chapter 4, Section 80 Axiom ax-17 - first use of the $d distinct variable statement -- Last MObj Nbr = 1 Chapter 4, Section 84 Derive ax-4, ax-5o, and ax-6o -- Last MObj Nbr = 8 Chapter 5, Section 88 "Pure" predicate calculus ax-4, ax-5o, ax-6o, ax-gen -- Last MObj Nbr = 249 Chapter 5, Section 92 Equality -- Last MObj Nbr = 22 Chapter 5, Section 96 Axioms ax-10 and ax-11 -- Last MObj Nbr = 75 Chapter 5, Section 100 Substitution (without distinct variables) -- Last MObj Nbr = 42 Chapter 5, Section 104 Theorems using axiom ax-11 -- Last MObj Nbr = 12 Chapter 6, Section 108 The axiom of quantifier introduction ax-17 -- Last MObj Nbr = 4 Chapter 6, Section 112 Derive the axiom of distinct variables ax-16 -- Last MObj Nbr = 11 Chapter 6, Section 116 Derive the original axiom of variable substitution ax-11o -- Last MObj Nbr = 3 Chapter 6, Section 120 Theorems without distinct variables that use axiom ax-11o -- Last MObj Nbr = 76 Chapter 6, Section 124 Predicate calculus with distinct variables (cont.) -- Last MObj Nbr = 109 Chapter 6, Section 128 More substitution theorems -- Last MObj Nbr = 75 Chapter 6, Section 132 Existential uniqueness -- Last MObj Nbr = 127 Chapter 7, Section 136 Introduce the Axiom of Extensionality -- Last MObj Nbr = 7 Chapter 7, Section 140 Class abstractions (a.k.a. class builders) -- Last MObj Nbr = 303 Chapter 7, Section 144 Negated equality and membership -- Last MObj Nbr = 143 Chapter 7, Section 148 Restricted quantification -- Last MObj Nbr = 302 Chapter 7, Section 152 The universal class -- Last MObj Nbr = 427 Chapter 7, Section 156 Russell's Paradox -- Last MObj Nbr = 1 Chapter 7, Section 160 Proper substitution of classes for sets -- Last MObj Nbr = 134 Chapter 7, Section 164 Proper substitution of classes for sets into classes -- Last MObj Nbr = 84 Chapter 7, Section 168 Define basic set operations and relations -- Last MObj Nbr = 15 Chapter 7, Section 172 Subclasses and subsets -- Last MObj Nbr = 187 Chapter 7, Section 176 The difference, union, and intersection of two classes -- Last MObj Nbr = 184 Chapter 7, Section 180 The empty set -- Last MObj Nbr = 114 Chapter 7, Section 184 "Weak deduction theorem" for set theory -- Last MObj Nbr = 152 Chapter 7, Section 188 Power classes -- Last MObj Nbr = 14 Chapter 7, Section 192 Unordered and ordered pairs -- Last MObj Nbr = 189 Chapter 7, Section 196 The union of a class -- Last MObj Nbr = 44 Chapter 7, Section 200 The intersection of a class -- Last MObj Nbr = 55 Chapter 7, Section 204 Indexed union and intersection -- Last MObj Nbr = 98 Chapter 7, Section 208 Binary relations -- Last MObj Nbr = 121 Chapter 7, Section 212 Ordered-pair class abstractions (class builders) -- Last MObj Nbr = 31 Chapter 7, Section 216 Transitive classes -- Last MObj Nbr = 13 Chapter 8, Section 220 Introduce the Axiom of Replacement -- Last MObj Nbr = 18 Chapter 8, Section 224 Derive the Axiom of Separation -- Last MObj Nbr = 7 Chapter 8, Section 228 Derive the Null Set Axiom -- Last MObj Nbr = 7 Chapter 8, Section 232 Theorems requiring subset and intersection existence -- Last MObj Nbr = 35 Chapter 8, Section 236 Theorems requiring empty set existence -- Last MObj Nbr = 13 Chapter 9, Section 240 Introduce the Axiom of Power Sets -- Last MObj Nbr = 46 Chapter 9, Section 244 Derive the Axiom of Pairing -- Last MObj Nbr = 10 Chapter 9, Section 248 Ordered pair theorem -- Last MObj Nbr = 50 Chapter 9, Section 252 Ordered-pair class abstractions (cont.) -- Last MObj Nbr = 38 Chapter 9, Section 256 Power class of union and intersection -- Last MObj Nbr = 5 Chapter 9, Section 260 Epsilon and identity relations -- Last MObj Nbr = 8 Chapter 9, Section 264 Partial and complete ordering -- Last MObj Nbr = 36 Chapter 9, Section 268 Founded and well-ordering relations -- Last MObj Nbr = 35 Chapter 9, Section 272 Ordinals -- Last MObj Nbr = 138 Chapter 10, Section 276 Introduce the Axiom of Union -- Last MObj Nbr = 130 Chapter 10, Section 280 Ordinals (continued) -- Last MObj Nbr = 83 Chapter 10, Section 284 Transfinite induction -- Last MObj Nbr = 58 Chapter 10, Section 288 The natural numbers (i.e. finite ordinals) -- Last MObj Nbr = 23 Chapter 10, Section 292 Peano's postulates -- Last MObj Nbr = 6 Chapter 10, Section 296 Finite induction (for finite ordinals) -- Last MObj Nbr = 32 Chapter 10, Section 300 Functions and relations -- Last MObj Nbr = 1219 Chapter 10, Section 304 Operations -- Last MObj Nbr = 281 Chapter 10, Section 308 "Maps to" notation -- Last MObj Nbr = 27 Chapter 10, Section 312 First and second members of an ordered pair -- Last MObj Nbr = 95 Chapter 10, Section 316 The iota operation ("the unique set such that...") -- Last MObj Nbr = 30 Chapter 10, Section 320 Cantor's Theorem -- Last MObj Nbr = 3 Chapter 10, Section 324 Miscellaneous ordinal theorems (that depend on functions and relations) -- Last MObj Nbr = 12 Chapter 10, Section 328 Transfinite recursion -- Last MObj Nbr = 32 Chapter 10, Section 332 Recursive definition generator -- Last MObj Nbr = 28 Chapter 10, Section 336 Finite recursion -- Last MObj Nbr = 23 Chapter 10, Section 340 Abian's "most fundamental" fixed point theorem -- Last MObj Nbr = 4 Chapter 10, Section 344 Ordinal arithmetic -- Last MObj Nbr = 108 Chapter 10, Section 348 Natural number arithmetic -- Last MObj Nbr = 40 Chapter 10, Section 352 Equivalence relations and classes -- Last MObj Nbr = 210 Chapter 10, Section 356 The mapping operation -- Last MObj Nbr = 37 Chapter 10, Section 360 Infinite Cartesian products -- Last MObj Nbr = 21 Chapter 10, Section 364 Equinumerosity -- Last MObj Nbr = 146 Chapter 10, Section 368 Schroeder-Bernstein Theorem -- Last MObj Nbr = 52 Chapter 10, Section 372 Partial functions and restricted iota -- Last MObj Nbr = 46 Chapter 10, Section 376 Equinumerosity (cont.) -- Last MObj Nbr = 53 Chapter 10, Section 380 Pigeonhole Principle -- Last MObj Nbr = 12 Chapter 10, Section 384 Finite sets -- Last MObj Nbr = 62 Chapter 10, Section 388 Supremum -- Last MObj Nbr = 25 Chapter 10, Section 392 Ordinal isomorphism, Hartog's theorem -- Last MObj Nbr = 21 Chapter 11, Section 396 Introduce the Axiom of Regularity -- Last MObj Nbr = 24 Chapter 11, Section 400 Axiom of Infinity equivalents -- Last MObj Nbr = 23 Chapter 12, Section 404 Introduce the Axiom of Infinity -- Last MObj Nbr = 5 Chapter 12, Section 408 Existence of omega (the set of natural numbers) -- Last MObj Nbr = 15 Chapter 12, Section 412 Rank -- Last MObj Nbr = 108 Chapter 12, Section 416 Auxiliary theorems for Alan Sare's virtual deduction -- Last MObj Nbr = 7 Chapter 12, Section 420 Scott's trick; collection principle; Hilbert's epsilon -- Last MObj Nbr = 25 Chapter 12, Section 424 Cardinal numbers -- Last MObj Nbr = 29 Chapter 12, Section 428 Axiom of Choice equivalents -- Last MObj Nbr = 19 Chapter 13, Section 432 Introduce the Axiom of Choice -- Last MObj Nbr = 58 Chapter 13, Section 436 AC equivalents: well ordering, Zorn's lemma -- Last MObj Nbr = 63 Chapter 13, Section 440 Cardinal number theorems using the Axiom of Choice -- Last MObj Nbr = 86 Chapter 13, Section 444 Cofinality -- Last MObj Nbr = 12 Chapter 13, Section 448 Cardinal number arithmetic -- Last MObj Nbr = 35 Chapter 13, Section 452 ZFC Axioms with no distinct variable requirements -- Last MObj Nbr = 34 Chapter 14, Section 456 Dedekind-cut construction of real and complex numbers -- Last MObj Nbr = 415 Chapter 14, Section 460 Real and complex number postulates -- Last MObj Nbr = 28 Chapter 14, Section 464 Real and complex numbers - basic operations -- Last MObj Nbr = 0 Chapter 14, Section 468 Some deductions from the field axioms for complex numbers -- Last MObj Nbr = 43 Chapter 14, Section 472 Addition -- Last MObj Nbr = 17 Chapter 14, Section 476 Subtraction -- Last MObj Nbr = 115 Chapter 14, Section 480 Multiplication -- Last MObj Nbr = 95 Chapter 14, Section 484 Infinity and the extended real number system -- Last MObj Nbr = 18 Chapter 14, Section 488 Restate the ordering postulates with extended real "less than" -- Last MObj Nbr = 5 Chapter 14, Section 492 Ordering on reals -- Last MObj Nbr = 44 Chapter 14, Section 496 Ordering on the extended reals -- Last MObj Nbr = 40 Chapter 14, Section 500 Ordering on reals (cont.) -- Last MObj Nbr = 149 Chapter 14, Section 504 Reciprocals -- Last MObj Nbr = 36 Chapter 14, Section 508 Division -- Last MObj Nbr = 167 Chapter 14, Section 512 Ordering on reals (cont.) -- Last MObj Nbr = 157 Chapter 14, Section 516 Natural numbers (as a subset of complex numbers) -- Last MObj Nbr = 14 Chapter 14, Section 520 Principle of mathematical induction -- Last MObj Nbr = 14 Chapter 14, Section 524 Natural numbers (cont.) -- Last MObj Nbr = 31 Chapter 14, Section 528 Decimal representation of numbers -- Last MObj Nbr = 31 Chapter 14, Section 532 Some properties of specific numbers -- Last MObj Nbr = 49 Chapter 14, Section 536 Positive reals (as a subset of complex numbers) -- Last MObj Nbr = 24 Chapter 14, Section 540 Completeness Axiom and Suprema -- Last MObj Nbr = 31 Chapter 14, Section 544 Supremum on the extended reals -- Last MObj Nbr = 26 Chapter 14, Section 548 Nonnegative integers (as a subset of complex numbers) -- Last MObj Nbr = 46 Chapter 14, Section 552 Integers (as a subset of complex numbers) -- Last MObj Nbr = 146 Chapter 14, Section 556 Well-ordering principle for bounded-below sets of integers -- Last MObj Nbr = 9 Chapter 14, Section 560 Rational numbers (as a subset of complex numbers) -- Last MObj Nbr = 26 Chapter 14, Section 564 The floor (greatest integer) function -- Last MObj Nbr = 42 Chapter 14, Section 568 The modulo (remainder) operation -- Last MObj Nbr = 23 Chapter 14, Section 572 Monotonic sequences -- Last MObj Nbr = 3 Chapter 14, Section 576 Real number intervals -- Last MObj Nbr = 68 Chapter 14, Section 580 Upper partititions of integers -- Last MObj Nbr = 82 Chapter 14, Section 584 Finite intervals of integers -- Last MObj Nbr = 71 Chapter 14, Section 588 The infinite sequence builder "seq1" -- Last MObj Nbr = 77 Chapter 14, Section 592 The "shift" operation -- Last MObj Nbr = 19 Chapter 14, Section 596 Superior limit (lim sup) -- Last MObj Nbr = 3 Chapter 14, Section 600 Infinite sequence builders "seq" and "seq0" -- Last MObj Nbr = 48 Chapter 14, Section 604 Integer powers -- Last MObj Nbr = 107 Chapter 14, Section 608 Discriminant -- Last MObj Nbr = 13 Chapter 14, Section 612 More natural number properties -- Last MObj Nbr = 4 Chapter 14, Section 616 Ordered pair theorem for nonnegative integers -- Last MObj Nbr = 14 Chapter 14, Section 620 Square root -- Last MObj Nbr = 79 Chapter 14, Section 624 Irrationality of square root of 2 -- Last MObj Nbr = 11 Chapter 14, Section 628 Imaginary and complex number properties -- Last MObj Nbr = 28 Chapter 14, Section 632 Real and imaginary parts; conjugate; absolute value -- Last MObj Nbr = 255 Chapter 14, Section 636 Factorial function -- Last MObj Nbr = 27 Chapter 14, Section 640 The binomial coefficient operation -- Last MObj Nbr = 22 Chapter 14, Section 644 The ` # ` function -- Last MObj Nbr = 9 Chapter 14, Section 648 Limits -- Last MObj Nbr = 4 Chapter 14, Section 652 Finite and infinite sums -- Last MObj Nbr = 39 Chapter 14, Section 656 Finite sums (cont.) -- Last MObj Nbr = 129 Chapter 14, Section 660 The binomial theorem -- Last MObj Nbr = 14 Chapter 14, Section 664 Limits (cont.) -- Last MObj Nbr = 378 Chapter 14, Section 668 Infinite sums (cont.) -- Last MObj Nbr = 77 Chapter 14, Section 672 Miscellaneous converging sequences -- Last MObj Nbr = 28 Chapter 14, Section 676 Arithmetic series -- Last MObj Nbr = 4 Chapter 14, Section 680 Geometric series -- Last MObj Nbr = 40 Chapter 14, Section 684 Ratio test for infinite series convergence -- Last MObj Nbr = 23 Chapter 14, Section 688 The product of two finite sums -- Last MObj Nbr = 6 Chapter 14, Section 692 Continuous complex functions -- Last MObj Nbr = 32 Chapter 14, Section 696 Intermediate value theorem -- Last MObj Nbr = 45 Chapter 14, Section 700 The exponential, sine, and cosine functions -- Last MObj Nbr = 192 Chapter 14, Section 704 _e is irrational -- Last MObj Nbr = 13 Chapter 14, Section 708 The exponential, sine, and cosine functions (cont.) -- Last MObj Nbr = 153 Chapter 15, Section 712 Axiom of dependent choice -- Last MObj Nbr = 33 Chapter 16, Section 716 Countability of integers and rationals -- Last MObj Nbr = 7 Chapter 16, Section 720 Infinite primes theorem -- Last MObj Nbr = 9 Chapter 16, Section 724 The reals are uncountable -- Last MObj Nbr = 72 Chapter 16, Section 728 Cardinal arithmetic (cont.) -- Last MObj Nbr = 55 Chapter 16, Section 732 Continuum Hypothesis -- Last MObj Nbr = 1 Chapter 17, Section 736 Topological spaces -- Last MObj Nbr = 20 Chapter 17, Section 740 Bases for topologies -- Last MObj Nbr = 34 Chapter 17, Section 744 Subbases for topologies -- Last MObj Nbr = 5 Chapter 17, Section 748 Examples of topologies -- Last MObj Nbr = 15 Chapter 17, Section 752 Product topologies -- Last MObj Nbr = 9 Chapter 17, Section 756 Closure and interior -- Last MObj Nbr = 54 Chapter 17, Section 760 Neighborhoods -- Last MObj Nbr = 30 Chapter 17, Section 764 Limit points -- Last MObj Nbr = 12 Chapter 17, Section 768 Continuity -- Last MObj Nbr = 47 Chapter 17, Section 772 Hausdorff spaces -- Last MObj Nbr = 14 Chapter 18, Section 776 Basic metric space properties -- Last MObj Nbr = 76 Chapter 18, Section 780 Metric space balls -- Last MObj Nbr = 28 Chapter 18, Section 784 Open sets of a metric space -- Last MObj Nbr = 41 Chapter 18, Section 788 Continuity in metric spaces -- Last MObj Nbr = 41 Chapter 18, Section 792 Examples of metric spaces -- Last MObj Nbr = 30 Chapter 18, Section 796 Convergence and completeness -- Last MObj Nbr = 198 Chapter 18, Section 800 Examples of complete metric spaces -- Last MObj Nbr = 2 Chapter 18, Section 804 Baire's Category Theorem -- Last MObj Nbr = 75 Chapter 19, Section 808 Definitions and basic properties for groups -- Last MObj Nbr = 181 Chapter 19, Section 812 Definition and basic properties of Abelian groups -- Last MObj Nbr = 24 Chapter 19, Section 816 Subgroups -- Last MObj Nbr = 24 Chapter 19, Section 820 Examples of Abelian groups -- Last MObj Nbr = 9 Chapter 19, Section 824 Group homomorphism -- Last MObj Nbr = 27 Chapter 19, Section 828 Group actions -- Last MObj Nbr = 43 Chapter 20, Section 832 Definition and basic properties -- Last MObj Nbr = 55 Chapter 20, Section 836 Examples of rings -- Last MObj Nbr = 3 Chapter 21, Section 840 Definition and basic properties -- Last MObj Nbr = 6 Chapter 22, Section 844 Definition and basic properties -- Last MObj Nbr = 1 Chapter 23, Section 848 Definition and basic properties -- Last MObj Nbr = 73 Chapter 23, Section 852 Examples of complex vector spaces -- Last MObj Nbr = 1 Chapter 24, Section 856 Definition and basic properties -- Last MObj Nbr = 234 Chapter 24, Section 860 Examples of normed complex vector spaces -- Last MObj Nbr = 18 Chapter 24, Section 864 Induced metric of a normed complex vector space -- Last MObj Nbr = 181 Chapter 24, Section 868 Inner product -- Last MObj Nbr = 62 Chapter 24, Section 872 Subspaces -- Last MObj Nbr = 68 Chapter 25, Section 876 Definitions and basic properties -- Last MObj Nbr = 241 Chapter 26, Section 880 Definition and basic properties -- Last MObj Nbr = 11 Chapter 26, Section 884 Examples of pre-Hilbert spaces -- Last MObj Nbr = 7 Chapter 26, Section 888 Properties of pre-Hilbert spaces -- Last MObj Nbr = 149 Chapter 27, Section 892 Definition and basic properties -- Last MObj Nbr = 12 Chapter 27, Section 896 Examples of complex Banach spaces -- Last MObj Nbr = 2 Chapter 27, Section 900 Uniform Boundedness Theorem -- Last MObj Nbr = 77 Chapter 27, Section 904 Minimizing Vector Theorem -- Last MObj Nbr = 126 Chapter 28, Section 908 Definition and basic properties -- Last MObj Nbr = 23 Chapter 28, Section 912 Standard axioms for a complex Hilbert space -- Last MObj Nbr = 47 Chapter 28, Section 916 Examples of complex Hilbert spaces -- Last MObj Nbr = 2 Chapter 28, Section 920 Subspaces -- Last MObj Nbr = 2 Chapter 28, Section 924 Hellinger-Toeplitz Theorem -- Last MObj Nbr = 37 Chapter 29, Section 928 Definition and basic properties -- Last MObj Nbr = 42 Chapter 30, Section 932 The exponential, sine, and cosine functions (cont.) -- Last MObj Nbr = 22 Chapter 30, Section 936 Properties of pi = 3.14159... -- Last MObj Nbr = 64 Chapter 30, Section 940 Mapping of the exponential function -- Last MObj Nbr = 65 Chapter 30, Section 944 The natural logarithm on complex numbers -- Last MObj Nbr = 29 Chapter 31, Section 948 Introduce the Tarksi-Grothendieck Axiom -- Last MObj Nbr = 11 Chapter 32, Section 952 April Fool's theorem -- Last MObj Nbr = 5 Chapter 33, Section 956 (Future - to be reviewed and classified) -- Last MObj Nbr = 83 Chapter 33, Section 960 Group homomorphism and isomorphism -- Last MObj Nbr = 13 Chapter 33, Section 964 Symmetry groups and Cayley's Theorem -- Last MObj Nbr = 11 Chapter 33, Section 968 Order theory -- Last MObj Nbr = 3 Chapter 33, Section 972 Finite intersections -- Last MObj Nbr = 50 Chapter 33, Section 976 Homeomorphisms -- Last MObj Nbr = 18 Chapter 33, Section 980 Initial and final topologies -- Last MObj Nbr = 29 Chapter 33, Section 984 Filter Bases -- Last MObj Nbr = 5 Chapter 33, Section 988 Filters -- Last MObj Nbr = 40 Chapter 33, Section 992 Limits -- Last MObj Nbr = 75 Chapter 33, Section 996 Compactness -- Last MObj Nbr = 7 Chapter 33, Section 1000 Separated spaces: T0, T1, T2 (Hausdorff) ... -- Last MObj Nbr = 3 Chapter 33, Section 1004 Connectedness -- Last MObj Nbr = 6 Chapter 33, Section 1008 Planar incidence geometry -- Last MObj Nbr = 7 Chapter 33, Section 1012 Directed sets, nets -- Last MObj Nbr = 12 Chapter 33, Section 1016 Operation properties -- Last MObj Nbr = 6 Chapter 33, Section 1020 Groups and related structures -- Last MObj Nbr = 44 Chapter 33, Section 1024 Fields and Rings -- Last MObj Nbr = 51 Chapter 34, Section 1028 Hilbert Space Explorer -- Last MObj Nbr = 0 Chapter 34, Section 1032 Preliminary ZFC lemmas -- Last MObj Nbr = 27 Chapter 34, Section 1036 Derive the Hilbert space axioms from ZFC set theory -- Last MObj Nbr = 21 Chapter 34, Section 1040 Introduce the vector space axioms for a Hilbert space -- Last MObj Nbr = 12 Chapter 34, Section 1044 Vector operations -- Last MObj Nbr = 84 Chapter 34, Section 1048 Inner product postulates for a Hilbert space -- Last MObj Nbr = 9 Chapter 34, Section 1052 Inner product -- Last MObj Nbr = 64 Chapter 34, Section 1056 Norms -- Last MObj Nbr = 64 Chapter 34, Section 1060 Relate Hilbert space to normed complex vector spaces -- Last MObj Nbr = 30 Chapter 34, Section 1064 Bunjakovaskij-Cauchy-Schwarz inequality -- Last MObj Nbr = 7 Chapter 34, Section 1068 Cauchy sequences and limits -- Last MObj Nbr = 12 Chapter 34, Section 1072 Derivation of the completeness axiom from ZF set theory -- Last MObj Nbr = 33 Chapter 34, Section 1076 Completeness postulate for a Hilbert space -- Last MObj Nbr = 1 Chapter 34, Section 1080 Relate Hilbert space to ZFC pre-Hilbert and Hilbert spaces -- Last MObj Nbr = 8 Chapter 34, Section 1084 Subspaces -- Last MObj Nbr = 18 Chapter 34, Section 1088 Closed subspaces -- Last MObj Nbr = 47 Chapter 34, Section 1092 Orthocomplements -- Last MObj Nbr = 100 Chapter 34, Section 1096 Projection theorem -- Last MObj Nbr = 153 Chapter 34, Section 1100 Projectors -- Last MObj Nbr = 7 Chapter 34, Section 1104 Orthomodular law -- Last MObj Nbr = 20 Chapter 34, Section 1108 Projectors (cont.) -- Last MObj Nbr = 38 Chapter 34, Section 1112 Subspace sum, span, lattice join, lattice supremum -- Last MObj Nbr = 110 Chapter 34, Section 1116 Hilbert lattice operations -- Last MObj Nbr = 119 Chapter 34, Section 1120 Span (cont.) and one-dimensional subspaces -- Last MObj Nbr = 59 Chapter 34, Section 1124 Operator sum, difference, and scalar multiplication -- Last MObj Nbr = 20 Chapter 34, Section 1128 Commutes relation for Hilbert lattice elements -- Last MObj Nbr = 40 Chapter 34, Section 1132 Foulis-Holland theorem -- Last MObj Nbr = 14 Chapter 34, Section 1136 Quantum Logic Explorer axioms -- Last MObj Nbr = 33 Chapter 34, Section 1140 Orthogonal subspaces -- Last MObj Nbr = 53 Chapter 34, Section 1144 Orthoarguesian laws 5OA and 3OA -- Last MObj Nbr = 59 Chapter 34, Section 1148 Projectors (cont.) -- Last MObj Nbr = 84 Chapter 34, Section 1152 Mayet's equation E_3 -- Last MObj Nbr = 50 Chapter 34, Section 1156 Zero and identity operators -- Last MObj Nbr = 10 Chapter 34, Section 1160 Operations on Hilbert space operators -- Last MObj Nbr = 106 Chapter 34, Section 1164 Linear, continuous, bounded, Hermitian, unitary operators and norms -- Last MObj Nbr = 6 Chapter 34, Section 1168 Linear and continuous functionals and norms -- Last MObj Nbr = 4 Chapter 34, Section 1172 Adjoint -- Last MObj Nbr = 1 Chapter 34, Section 1176 Dirac bra-ket notation -- Last MObj Nbr = 2 Chapter 34, Section 1180 Positive operators -- Last MObj Nbr = 1 Chapter 34, Section 1184 Eigenvectors, eigenvalues, spectrum -- Last MObj Nbr = 3 Chapter 34, Section 1188 Theorems about operators and functionals -- Last MObj Nbr = 267 Chapter 34, Section 1192 Riesz lemma -- Last MObj Nbr = 5 Chapter 34, Section 1196 Adjoints (cont.) -- Last MObj Nbr = 48 Chapter 34, Section 1200 Quantum computation error bound theorem -- Last MObj Nbr = 5 Chapter 34, Section 1204 Dirac bra-ket notation (cont.) -- Last MObj Nbr = 18 Chapter 34, Section 1208 Positive operators (cont.) -- Last MObj Nbr = 33 Chapter 34, Section 1212 Projectors as operators -- Last MObj Nbr = 99 Chapter 34, Section 1216 States on a Hilbert lattice -- Last MObj Nbr = 86 Chapter 34, Section 1220 Godowski's equation -- Last MObj Nbr = 31 Chapter 34, Section 1224 Covers relation; modular pairs -- Last MObj Nbr = 75 Chapter 34, Section 1228 Atoms -- Last MObj Nbr = 16 Chapter 34, Section 1232 Superposition principle -- Last MObj Nbr = 1 Chapter 34, Section 1236 Atoms, exchange and covering properties, atomicity -- Last MObj Nbr = 44 Chapter 34, Section 1240 Irreducibility -- Last MObj Nbr = 8 Chapter 34, Section 1244 Atoms (cont.) -- Last MObj Nbr = 10 Chapter 34, Section 1248 Modular symmetry -- Last MObj Nbr = 66 Chapter 35, Section 1252 Mathbox guidelines -- Last MObj Nbr = 1 Chapter 36, Section 1256 Mathbox for Stefan Allan -- Last MObj Nbr = 5 Chapter 37, Section 1260 Mathbox for Jonathan Ben-Naim -- Last MObj Nbr = 7 Chapter 37, Section 1264 First order logic and set theory -- Last MObj Nbr = 2266 Chapter 37, Section 1268 Well founded induction and recursion -- Last MObj Nbr = 1510 Chapter 37, Section 1272 The existence of a minimal element in certain classes -- Last MObj Nbr = 12 Chapter 37, Section 1276 Well-founded induction -- Last MObj Nbr = 947 Chapter 37, Section 1280 Well-founded recursion, part 1 of 3 -- Last MObj Nbr = 43 Chapter 37, Section 1284 Well-founded recursion, part 2 of 3 -- Last MObj Nbr = 36 Chapter 37, Section 1288 Well-founded recursion, part 3 of 3 -- Last MObj Nbr = 15 Chapter 38, Section 1292 Added equality theorems -- Last MObj Nbr = 36 Chapter 38, Section 1296 General theorems -- Last MObj Nbr = 46 Chapter 38, Section 1300 Miscellaneous theorems -- Last MObj Nbr = 15 Chapter 38, Section 1304 Group homomorphism and isomorphism -- Last MObj Nbr = 48 Chapter 38, Section 1308 Symmetry groups and Cayley's Theorem -- Last MObj Nbr = 27 Chapter 38, Section 1312 The ` # ` function -- Last MObj Nbr = 8 Chapter 38, Section 1316 Elementary Number Theory - Lemmas -- Last MObj Nbr = 15 Chapter 38, Section 1320 Elementary Number Theory - The divides relation -- Last MObj Nbr = 45 Chapter 38, Section 1324 Elementary Number Theory - The Division Algorithm -- Last MObj Nbr = 32 Chapter 38, Section 1328 Elementary Number Theory - The greatest common divisor operator -- Last MObj Nbr = 31 Chapter 38, Section 1332 Algorithms -- Last MObj Nbr = 34 Chapter 38, Section 1336 Elementary Number Theory - Euclid's Algorithm -- Last MObj Nbr = 13 Chapter 38, Section 1340 Elementary Number Theory - Greatest common divisor (cont.) -- Last MObj Nbr = 31 Chapter 38, Section 1344 Elementary Number Theory - Prime numbers -- Last MObj Nbr = 18 Chapter 39, Section 1348 ZFC Axioms in primitive form -- Last MObj Nbr = 7 Chapter 39, Section 1352 Transitive classes -- Last MObj Nbr = 4 Chapter 39, Section 1356 Untangled classes -- Last MObj Nbr = 8 Chapter 39, Section 1360 Extra propositional calculus theorems -- Last MObj Nbr = 21 Chapter 39, Section 1364 Restricted quantification -- Last MObj Nbr = 4 Chapter 39, Section 1368 Misc. Useful Theorems -- Last MObj Nbr = 4 Chapter 39, Section 1372 Properties of relationships -- Last MObj Nbr = 17 Chapter 39, Section 1376 Properties of functions and mappings -- Last MObj Nbr = 9 Chapter 39, Section 1380 Epsilon induction -- Last MObj Nbr = 9 Chapter 39, Section 1384 Ordinal numbers -- Last MObj Nbr = 21 Chapter 39, Section 1388 Defined equality axioms -- Last MObj Nbr = 10 Chapter 39, Section 1392 Hypothesis builders -- Last MObj Nbr = 9 Chapter 39, Section 1396 The Predecessor Class -- Last MObj Nbr = 37 Chapter 39, Section 1400 (Trans)finite Recursion Theorems -- Last MObj Nbr = 7 Chapter 39, Section 1404 Well-founded induction -- Last MObj Nbr = 38 Chapter 39, Section 1408 Transitive closure under a relationship -- Last MObj Nbr = 16 Chapter 39, Section 1412 Founded Induction -- Last MObj Nbr = 35 Chapter 39, Section 1416 Ordering cross products -- Last MObj Nbr = 18 Chapter 39, Section 1420 Ordering Ordinal Sequences -- Last MObj Nbr = 11 Chapter 39, Section 1424 Well-founded recursion -- Last MObj Nbr = 52 Chapter 39, Section 1428 Transfinite recursion via Well-founded recursion -- Last MObj Nbr = 6 Chapter 39, Section 1432 Founded Recursion -- Last MObj Nbr = 1 Chapter 39, Section 1436 Surreal Numbers -- Last MObj Nbr = 23 Chapter 39, Section 1440 Surreal Numbers: Ordering -- Last MObj Nbr = 6 Chapter 39, Section 1444 Surreal Numbers: Birthday Function -- Last MObj Nbr = 7 Chapter 39, Section 1448 Surreal Numbers: Density -- Last MObj Nbr = 11 Chapter 39, Section 1452 Surreal Numbers: Full-Eta Property -- Last MObj Nbr = 24 Chapter 40, Section 1456 Propositional Calculus -- Last MObj Nbr = 63 Chapter 40, Section 1460 Predicate Calculus -- Last MObj Nbr = 11 Chapter 40, Section 1464 Deriving Nicod's Axiom from Lukasiewicz's First Sheffer Stroke Axiom -- Last MObj Nbr = 4 Chapter 40, Section 1468 Deriving the Lukasiewicz Axioms from the Tarski-Bernays-Wajsberg Axioms -- Last MObj Nbr = 17 Chapter 40, Section 1472 Deriving the Tarski-Bernays-Wajsberg axioms from Meredith's First CO Axiom -- Last MObj Nbr = 23 Chapter 40, Section 1476 Deriving the Tarski-Bernays-Wajsberg axioms from Meredith's Second CO Axiom -- Last MObj Nbr = 13 Chapter 40, Section 1480 Deriving the Lukasiewicz axioms from the The Russell-Bernays Axioms -- Last MObj Nbr = 32 Chapter 40, Section 1484 Misc. Single Axiom Systems -- Last MObj Nbr = 6 Chapter 40, Section 1488 Connective Symmetry -- Last MObj Nbr = 11 Chapter 41, Section 1492 Inferences for finite induction on generic function values -- Last MObj Nbr = 8 Chapter 41, Section 1496 -- Last MObj Nbr = 12 Chapter 42, Section 1500 Mathbox for Frédéric Liné -- Last MObj Nbr = 0 Chapter 42, Section 1504 Propositional and predicate calculus -- Last MObj Nbr = 44 Chapter 42, Section 1508 Linear temporal logic -- Last MObj Nbr = 38 Chapter 42, Section 1512 Operations -- Last MObj Nbr = 11 Chapter 42, Section 1516 General Set Theory -- Last MObj Nbr = 149 Chapter 42, Section 1520 The "maps to" notation -- Last MObj Nbr = 34 Chapter 42, Section 1524 Cartesian Products -- Last MObj Nbr = 52 Chapter 42, Section 1528 Operations on subsets -- Last MObj Nbr = 7 Chapter 42, Section 1532 Arithmetic -- Last MObj Nbr = 6 Chapter 42, Section 1536 Sequences and series -- Last MObj Nbr = 6 Chapter 42, Section 1540 Lattice (algebraic definition) -- Last MObj Nbr = 14 Chapter 42, Section 1544 Currying and Partial Mappings -- Last MObj Nbr = 16 Chapter 42, Section 1548 Order theory -- Last MObj Nbr = 124 Chapter 42, Section 1552 Finite composites ( i. e. finite sums, products ... ) -- Last MObj Nbr = 85 Chapter 42, Section 1556 Operation properties -- Last MObj Nbr = 6 Chapter 42, Section 1560 Groups and related structures -- Last MObj Nbr = 96 Chapter 42, Section 1564 Free magmas, monoids, groups -- Last MObj Nbr = 4 Chapter 42, Section 1568 Translations -- Last MObj Nbr = 17 Chapter 42, Section 1572 Fields and Rings -- Last MObj Nbr = 58 Chapter 42, Section 1576 Generic modules and vector spaces -- Last MObj Nbr = 131 Chapter 42, Section 1580 Real vector spaces -- Last MObj Nbr = 6 Chapter 42, Section 1584 Matrices -- Last MObj Nbr = 3 Chapter 42, Section 1588 Affine spaces -- Last MObj Nbr = 1 Chapter 42, Section 1592 Intervals of reals and extended reals -- Last MObj Nbr = 14 Chapter 42, Section 1596 Topology -- Last MObj Nbr = 11 Chapter 42, Section 1600 Continuous functions -- Last MObj Nbr = 18 Chapter 42, Section 1604 Homeomorphisms -- Last MObj Nbr = 33 Chapter 42, Section 1608 Initial and final topologies -- Last MObj Nbr = 25 Chapter 42, Section 1612 Filters -- Last MObj Nbr = 27 Chapter 42, Section 1616 Limits -- Last MObj Nbr = 35 Chapter 42, Section 1620 Separated spaces: T0, T1, T2 (Hausdorff) ... -- Last MObj Nbr = 8 Chapter 42, Section 1624 Compactness -- Last MObj Nbr = 11 Chapter 42, Section 1628 Connectedness -- Last MObj Nbr = 12 Chapter 42, Section 1632 Topological groups -- Last MObj Nbr = 33 Chapter 42, Section 1636 Standard topology on RR -- Last MObj Nbr = 6 Chapter 42, Section 1640 Standard topology of intervals of RR -- Last MObj Nbr = 1 Chapter 42, Section 1644 Cantor's set -- Last MObj Nbr = 4 Chapter 42, Section 1648 Pre-calculus and Cartesian geometry -- Last MObj Nbr = 19 Chapter 42, Section 1652 Calculus -- Last MObj Nbr = 29 Chapter 42, Section 1656 Directed multi graphs -- Last MObj Nbr = 2 Chapter 42, Section 1660 Category and deductive system underlying "structure" -- Last MObj Nbr = 39 Chapter 42, Section 1664 Deductive systems -- Last MObj Nbr = 42 Chapter 42, Section 1668 Categories -- Last MObj Nbr = 92 Chapter 42, Section 1672 Homsets -- Last MObj Nbr = 75 Chapter 42, Section 1676 Monomorphisms, Epimorphisms, Isomorphisms -- Last MObj Nbr = 93 Chapter 42, Section 1680 Functors -- Last MObj Nbr = 55 Chapter 42, Section 1684 Subcategories -- Last MObj Nbr = 46 Chapter 42, Section 1688 Tarski's classes -- Last MObj Nbr = 78 Chapter 42, Section 1692 Grothendieck's universes -- Last MObj Nbr = 1 Chapter 42, Section 1696 Planar incidence geometry -- Last MObj Nbr = 9 Chapter 42, Section 1700 Planar incidence betweenness geometry -- Last MObj Nbr = 44 Chapter 43, Section 1704 Miscellany -- Last MObj Nbr = 97 Chapter 43, Section 1708 Ordinal isomorphism, Hartog's theorem -- Last MObj Nbr = 35 Chapter 43, Section 1712 Basic topological facts -- Last MObj Nbr = 76 Chapter 43, Section 1716 Topology of the real numbers -- Last MObj Nbr = 16 Chapter 43, Section 1720 First- and second-countability, refinements -- Last MObj Nbr = 100 Chapter 43, Section 1724 Neighborhood bases determine topologies -- Last MObj Nbr = 10 Chapter 43, Section 1728 Lattice structure of topologies -- Last MObj Nbr = 7 Chapter 43, Section 1732 Separation axioms -- Last MObj Nbr = 30 Chapter 43, Section 1736 Filter bases -- Last MObj Nbr = 10 Chapter 43, Section 1740 Ultrafilters -- Last MObj Nbr = 31 Chapter 43, Section 1744 Filter limits -- Last MObj Nbr = 121 Chapter 43, Section 1748 Directed sets, nets -- Last MObj Nbr = 21 Chapter 44, Section 1752 Logic and set theory -- Last MObj Nbr = 265 Chapter 44, Section 1756 Real and complex numbers; integers -- Last MObj Nbr = 30 Chapter 44, Section 1760 Sequences and sums -- Last MObj Nbr = 88 Chapter 44, Section 1764 Topology -- Last MObj Nbr = 13 Chapter 44, Section 1768 Metric spaces -- Last MObj Nbr = 34 Chapter 44, Section 1772 Intervals -- Last MObj Nbr = 71 Chapter 44, Section 1776 Continuous maps and homeomorphisms -- Last MObj Nbr = 59 Chapter 44, Section 1780 Topological limits -- Last MObj Nbr = 12 Chapter 44, Section 1784 Product topologies -- Last MObj Nbr = 131 Chapter 44, Section 1788 Boundedness -- Last MObj Nbr = 24 Chapter 44, Section 1792 Isometries -- Last MObj Nbr = 19 Chapter 44, Section 1796 Heine-Borel Theorem -- Last MObj Nbr = 58 Chapter 44, Section 1800 Banach Fixed Point Theorem -- Last MObj Nbr = 25 Chapter 44, Section 1804 Euclidean space -- Last MObj Nbr = 21 Chapter 44, Section 1808 Intervals (continued) -- Last MObj Nbr = 16 Chapter 44, Section 1812 Groups and related structures -- Last MObj Nbr = 45 Chapter 44, Section 1816 Path homotopy -- Last MObj Nbr = 27 Chapter 44, Section 1820 The fundamental group -- Last MObj Nbr = 42 Chapter 44, Section 1824 Rings -- Last MObj Nbr = 57 Chapter 44, Section 1828 Ring homomorphisms -- Last MObj Nbr = 72 Chapter 44, Section 1832 Commutative rings -- Last MObj Nbr = 35 Chapter 44, Section 1836 Ideals -- Last MObj Nbr = 92 Chapter 44, Section 1840 Prime rings and integral domains -- Last MObj Nbr = 18 Chapter 44, Section 1844 Ideal generators -- Last MObj Nbr = 50 Chapter 45, Section 1848 Partitions -- Last MObj Nbr = 93 Chapter 46, Section 1852 Hypergraphs -- Last MObj Nbr = 17 Chapter 46, Section 1856 Examples of hypergraphs -- Last MObj Nbr = 2 Chapter 46, Section 1860 Pseudographs -- Last MObj Nbr = 3 Chapter 46, Section 1864 Simple graphs -- Last MObj Nbr = 1 Chapter 47, Section 1868 Principia Mathematica * 10 -- Last MObj Nbr = 15 Chapter 47, Section 1872 Principia Mathematica * 11 -- Last MObj Nbr = 39 Chapter 47, Section 1876 Predicate Calculus -- Last MObj Nbr = 17 Chapter 47, Section 1880 Principia Mathematica * 13 and * 14 -- Last MObj Nbr = 37 Chapter 47, Section 1884 Set Theory -- Last MObj Nbr = 79 Chapter 47, Section 1888 Arithmetic -- Last MObj Nbr = 3 Chapter 47, Section 1892 Geometry -- Last MObj Nbr = 16 Chapter 48, Section 1896 Virtual Deduction Theorems -- Last MObj Nbr = 593 Chapter 48, Section 1900 Theorems proved using virtual deduction -- Last MObj Nbr = 34 Chapter 48, Section 1904 Theorems proved using virtual deduction with mmj2 assistance -- Last MObj Nbr = 35 Chapter 49, Section 1908 Mathbox for Norm Megill -- Last MObj Nbr = 117 Chapter 49, Section 1912 Extensible structure builder -- Last MObj Nbr = 119 Chapter 49, Section 1916 Posets and lattices using extensible structure builders -- Last MObj Nbr = 844 Chapter 49, Section 1920 Groups through Hilbert spaces using extensible structure builders -- Last MObj Nbr = 273 Chapter 49, Section 1924 Projective geometries based on Hilbert lattices -- Last MObj Nbr = 341