Suppose T1 is a (logical) theorem whose formula parses as follows: parse(T1(x)) = f(cv(x)) where: x is of type X, and cv is a mapping from X to Y, and f is a syntax axiom taking type Y and yielding type wff. Now, the question is, can theorem T2, (which we are proving using T1) be unified with T1 assuming that T2 parses as follows: parse(T2(y)) = f(y) where: y is of type Y In other words, can the Unification algorithm righteously substitute y for cv(x) without knowing anything else about the "meaning" of cv? Previously, I would have said, "Yes, because cv is a 'type conversion' syntax axiom". But Norm has argued that the syntax of should not be interpreted in this way. It may be true that for the answer is "Yes", but in the general case (of some arbitrary .mm database), substituting 'y' for 'cv(x)' is not justified unless additional information is available to the Unification algorithm -- i.e. it "knows" what 'cv(x)' means. new position regarding Unification is that the parse tree of the Assertion being unified with an Axiom/Theorem must completely overlay (match) all parse tree nodes of the Axiom/Theorem except for variable hypothesis nodes. And, these variable hypothesis nodes are the "graft" points where we substitute expressions for variables in Unification (we never substitute an expression for an expression!)