${ $d x ph $. $( Axiom to quantify a variable over a formula in which it does not occur. Axiom C5 in [Megill] p. 444 (p. 11 of the preprint). Also appears as Axiom B6 (p. 75) of system S2 of [Tarski] p. 77. If we allow ~ ax-15 (not otherwise used in our development), this axiom is logically redundant since it is a metatheorem justified by induction on the number of primitive connectives in wff ` ph ` , using ~ ax17eq and ~ ax17el together ~ hbne , ~ hbal , and ~ hbim . However if we omit this axiom our development would be quite inconvenient since we could work only with specific instances of wffs containing no wff variables - this axiom is effectively a definition of the concept of a set variable not occurring in a wff (as opposed to just two set variables being distinct). $) ax-17 $a |- ( ph -> A. x ph ) $. $} ${ $d x y $. $( ` x ` is not free in ` [ y / x ] ph ` when ` x ` and ` y ` are distinct. $) hbs1 $p |- ( [ y / x ] ph -> A. x [ y / x ] ph ) $= vx vy weq vx wal wph vx vy wsb wph vx vy wsb vx wal wi wph vx vy wsb vx vy ax-16 wph vx vy hbsb2 pm2.61i $. $( [5-Aug-93] $) $} ${ $d x y $. $( Equivalence for substitution. Similar to Theorem 6.1 of [Quine] p. 40. $) sb5 $p |- ( [ y / x ] ph <-> E. x ( x = y /\ ph ) ) $= vx vy weq wph wa vx wex wph vx vy wsb wph wph vx vy wsb vx vy wph vx vy hbs1 wph vx vy sbequ12 equsex bicomi $. $( [18-Aug-93] $) $( Equivalence for substitution. Compare Theorem 6.2 of [Quine] p. 40. $) sb6 $p |- ( [ y / x ] ph <-> A. x ( x = y -> ph ) ) $= vx vy weq wph wi vx wal wph vx vy wsb wph wph vx vy wsb vx vy wph vx vy hbs1 wph vx vy sbequ12 equsal bicomi $. $( [18-Aug-93] $) $}