mmj2 Release 20121225 Proposals

Several changes to mmj2 ranging from small to large are under consideration as part of a December 25, 2012 (tenative) software release:

1. Enhancements to the Step Selector Search feature to accomplish the following goals:

For more information, see: Search Options and #4 below, Changes to the Step Selector Search dialog window.

2. Provide persistent storage of mmj2 GUI preferences.

In the current system, the user's GUI preferences such as font size, color, window size and placement, etc., can only be changed permanently by updating or entering mmj2 RunParm commands. Changes made using the Proof Assistant menu items revert to their starting values when the Proof Assistant is exited. Since all of us...all intelligent beings in the Metaverse...find mmj2 RunParms.txt file usage to be awkward, tedious and deplorable, this enhancement is long overdue. To remedy this situation a new GUIPreferences.txt file will be created and the Proof Assistant GUI and associated windows will be modified to record state changes in it (the the About window, the Help window and the Request Messages window -- which duplicates the contents of the error message pane on the Proof Assistant -- will not be upgraded to record their state parameters because the cost/benefit ratio is very unfavorable.)

For details, see: Persistent Storage Of GUI Preferences.

3. Changes to the Proof Assistant GUI (main) window

  1. Do not attempt cursor positioning for distinct variable errors.
  2. Revise the documentation in mmj2/doc/IncompleteStepCursorPositioning.html to indicate that option "AsIs" means the cursor will remain on the same proof step -- not that the row/column position of the cursor will be unchanged.
  3. Modify RunParm "ProofAsstUnifySearchExclude" to use the "*" statement label wildcard symbol (meaning that 0 or more of any characters in this position is a match), which Metamath.exe uses in the MINIMIZE_WITH command: "MINIMIZE_WITH * /BRIEF /EXCLUDE 3*,*OLD,ee*".
  4. Remove Unify menu options Set Step Selector Max Results and Set Step Selector Show Substitutions -- these options will be entered on the new Search Options window.
  5. Retain the Unify menu and right-mouse menu item Step Selector Search but add Reuse Step Selector Search and Search Options to these menus. The original choice, Step Selector Search, will initiate a new search using no search data criteria and the current search preferences on the Search Options window; Reuse Step Selector Search will initiate a search using the existing search data criteria and search preferences; and the Search Options choice will display the Search Options window. The first two choices initiate proof-step specific searches while the last choice can be proof-step specific or "global" depending on whether the cursor was positioned on a derivation proof step when the choice was made.
  6. Dragging (adjusting) the right border on the Proof Assistant GUI window will automatically update the ProofAsstFormulaRightCol which sets the (TMFF) proof formatting right margin. The adjusted setting will be retained for future use via the Persistent Storage Of GUI Preferences enhancement. In the existing code changing the size of the Proof Assistant window has no affect on proof formatting, but with this fix every factor related to the size of proof text (font, font size, bold/plain), and the size of the window will be stored in "persistent storage" so that once the user gets the Proof Assistant screen adjusted to perfection the settings are retained permanently.

4. Changes to the Step Selector Search Dialog window

  1. The "Hide Dialog" button will be replaced with two new buttons: "Goto Proof Asst." and "Goto Search Options". This change provides accessibility to the other two key Proof Assistant windows in the situation where the user has positioned the windows so that they overlap, partly or completely. The "Goto xxxx" action simply puts the destination window on top -- it does not hide or minimize the original (source) window. In the situation where the user has a small screen, like a tablet, this behavior is important. In a different situation where the user has a large screen capable of displaying all of the windows simultaneously, the user can simply "mouse" or "alt-tab" to the desired window (to give it the input focus.)
  2. The characters "(!!!)" will be displayed prefixing the label of each search result item that satisfies the user search criteria and logically completes the designated proof step. These search results will appear at the beginning of the list (unless an alternative output sort sequence is requested on the Search Options window -- though at this time every possible sort sequence has Score as the major sort key, so these search results will appear first in every case, assuming any exist.)
  3. The characters "(---)" will be displayed prefixing the label of each search result item that fails to satisfy the user search criteria and is present in the search results only because Search Proximity Scoring was requested. These search results will appear at the end of the list (unless an alternative output sort sequence is requested on the Search Options window -- though at this time every possible sort sequence has Score as the major sort key, so these search results will appear last in every case, assuming any exist.)
  4. The descriptive Metamath Comment for each search result item's assertion will be displayed if the search criteria included a search of Metamath Comments. The Comment data will be displayed as a 3rd line of text following the conclusion line of the search result.