Spec Changes List (so you don't have to re-read things :-)


    1.  Fix / disambiguate / complete Oper values for
        ParseStmt and ParseExpr.
        See: SearchOptions.html#Table:_ParseExpr_and_ParseStmt_Oper
        and  SearchOptions.html#Oper

    2.  Add Sort Key field "Complexity" which is a
        combination of two fields: ParseDepth and
        Formula length. Same as two separate fields,
        major and minor, but documented as a single
        compound field for ease of use and documentation.
        See: SearchOptions.html#SORT_KEY_FIELDS_TABLE
        and  SearchOptions.html#SORT_SEQUENCE_TABLE

    3.  Moved options "Use Related Chapter/Section Hierarchy"
        and "Search-Proximity Scoring" from the Search Data
        section of the Search Options to Search Preferences
        in the Exclusion area. The change is based on the
        idea that these options will be more useful if these
        settings are retained across searches, until changed
        by the user. And, while Search Proximity Scoring
        isn't likely to be very popular, the Use Chapter/Section
        Hierarchy option will likely be the default because it
        eliminates many irrelevant and extraneous search results.

    4.  Search Options history goes back nine versions instead
        of four. This applies to the PrevSearchData menu
        and the pulldown list for the Search-For-What.
        NOTE: RE: PersistentStorageOfGUIPreferences.html
            - The history data will be stored with the persistent
              storage data for the GUI prefererences (i.e. in the
              same file :-)
            - History data elements in the persistent storage
              file will be assigned numbers from 1 thru 9. Logically
              the numbers could be -1, -2, etc., but we'll omit
              the '-' for simplicity (the user should not need to
              edit the file's contents anyway...)
            - The current version of the historical data elements
              is assigned number 0, but this is just for batch testing
              purposes: the GUI will not *store* the current data
              but it will *use* the current data if present in
              the persistent storage file.

    5.  Wrote PersistentStorageOfGUIPreferences.html. Some
        updates to this document are expected as a result
        of minor detail changes made during coding.
    6.  Updated MMJ2_Release_20121225_Proposals.html
        - Add "Reuse Step Selector Search" menu item to the
          Proof Assistant window to initiate
          a search using the previously input Search Data
          criteria instead of starting with no Search
          Data criteria. In most cases no Search Data
          will be needed -- just the user's Search Preferences.
          Search Data criteria tend to be for special cases,
          not the typical search for a unifying assertion.
        - Dragging the right border of the Proof Assistant
          window to adjust its width, plus changes to font,
          font size and bold vs. plain text will update the
          right-margin used in proof formatting (via TMFF).
          The current system uses the ProofAsstFormulaRightCol
          batch RunParm and GUI updates have no effect upon
          proof formatting margination. Once the user makes
          these adjustments to achieve perfect customization
          for his/her needs, the settings will be stored
          using the Persistent Storage Of GUI Preferences
        - Added section 4. Changes to the Step Selector Search
          Dialog window (in lieu of a separate .html document
          because the changes are relatively minor.)